In late May we lost two baby silkies and one baby Brahma/Americana mix leaving us with just one of each. It appears that the older birds killed them. (Lesson learned) The baby chicks were placed into the chicken coop overnight.
On my July 8th visit to the farm I noticed a lot of feathers in the field and upon counting of chickens found one of the orpington chickens to be missing. It appears to have been a Hawk attack.
An automatic chicken door was installed at the beginning of the summer. The chickens appear to understand the concept of how to get out the chicken coop. We have one young silkie and one young brahma/Americana chick that have figured the door out.
On July 18th, 29 eggs were placed in the incubator for an early August (Aug 8) hatching. Most of these birds will be given to the young family that is taking care of Felicia for the summer .