Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Seven roosters find new home at farm in Fontana.

Seven of the HHS roosters were taken to a farm in Fontana by one of the students. The Roosters included GF2, OC, and some younger roos.  The existing adult rooster population of the flock had grown to approx eight roosters. Adding to the crowd were the June chicks with two roos, and two roos from the August hatch. Five of the roos were shipped off, leaving four to tend to the flock. The three Nov 2020 Roos are now running the flock along with red, an orange-legged multi-color roo with a high pitched crow. 

Also this week we lost a BV roo which was hatched in April 2021, The roo was orange in color. David, a student noticed that it was off by itself. he brought the roo into the coop and placed it in its own cage. The next morning it was found dead.

We currently have four adult roos overseeing our flock. Three of the roos are BCM's. Here is a photo of one.