Since the loss of Godfather, one rooster has risen to the occasion to be the new leader of the flock. I am proud to say that rooster is the Godfather 2. There are a few roosters following in his footsteps. More on them later.
The Godfather 2 has a better temperament than G1. He does not chase after teachers or guests like G1 did. He is very gentle on the hens. In May 2020 at the time of The Godfather 1's death to a coyote I was a bit concerned about the lass and the succession that might take place. G2 was only 9 months old and really did not know how to be a leader. He still would take food with the hens, he would not stand up to me. But over the months he has become a gentle giant leader. It is now the 3 underlings that I worry about. We have Red 2, the son of a former rooster we had here that went to Havers farm in Fresno. We have another Godfather relative hanging around as well.
G2 did have some competition at the start. We had The Rock, a Barred Rock Rooster that was hatched at the same time as G2. The two had come from the Aug 2019 hatching where we had 9 to 11 roosters. Two were spared going to the circus because we ran out of sunshine. G2 and The Rock.
Unfortunately, I recently found The Rock dead in the coop, It happened in the evening, the cage was locked up. I found him dead where he normally sat at night. It was a 105-degree day and a very warm evening. I could find no evidence of foul play. He passed in early October 2020.
RIP The Rock
So I can live with the three roosters we currently have, though I will say they are on a short leash. I have been studying chicken genetics and may have to pass on them to get to the place I see for this flock.
But for now, we have The Godfather 2, Red 2, and an unnamed Brahma/ rooster.
In the photo below are the roosters I just spoke about. G2 is in the top right of the group, The unnamed rooster is in the top left, Red 2 in center/bottom right, and The Rock (RIP) is the top middle of the flock.